

I'm the guy you met at that thing that one time...

Josh Smooha is a Los Angeles-based comedy writer and director, and a graduate of Florida State University's College of Motion Picture Arts. He enjoys fighting the forces of evil, jamming on his saxophone, drinking cold brewskis, and performing horrible Christopher Walken impressions. Most of all though, Josh enjoys telling a good story and making people laugh. An avid sitcom, stand-up, and sketch watcher since he was young, comedy is just something Josh was drawn to.

His work has been featured at numerous film festivals, as well as on Nickelodeon and on the YouTube Network AwesomenessTV. His most recent comedic film, Cootie Contagion, is a 2013 Student Emmy winner and a 2013 Student Academy Award Finalist. The film also won the Mister Rogers Memorial Scholarship for Development from the Emmy Foundation and was an ASC Student Heritage Award Honorable Mention.

He currently is developing projects for television, web, and film and hopes to continually make you laugh in the years to come.